Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9 and 10

It has been an interesting few days.  I have really had to try to use this diet in real situations.

Saturday:  Things to mention that are of note... I forget what kind of meat I ate for lunch, but the greens we tried was a type of broccoli that was really bitter.  We cooked it with garlic and I put a little lemon on it but it was really difficult to eat because it was so pungent.  I think if we diced it up and mixed it with other greens or something else it would bring a lot of flavor to it.  I don't remember right now what the name of it was but I will get back to it.  I also babysat Saturday night and brought a bunch of a food with me, a burger patty, fruit, nuts, avocado (didn't eat it) but I found myself hungry after 4 hours.

Sunday.  I had breakfast of oats, blueberries and nuts.  We had a great worship service this morning- quite humbling.  I will be praying for Leslie tomorrow as her daughter has open heart surgery.  It definitely give me perspective on my health issues.  Lunch, we went to Red Robin.  I got a 'monster' (means extra patty) burger with no bun, swiss cheese and a side salad.  This was really difficult for me as I love their bottomless fries.  We had the bears football game today.  I had a bowl of fruit and some brazilian nuts and will eat some pulled pork roast with no sauce a little later.  I'm pretty bummed about the game but if they lost, they didn't deserve it.  I knew at lunch they weren't going to win- we always get so close and just can't pull it off.  I will be rooting for whoever plays against the packers for the super bowl. (rather jets win but don't really care.

I am hoping to incorporate carbs soon.  I feel like I am eating all the time but loosing weight.  It's interesting- I don't want chips or bad food anymore, I miss bread, corn, cheese and every now an then chocolate.  For a treat, we got some cherries and I have been enjoying those.  They taste so smooth.  I can't tell how things are still- my cycle is minimal but still present.

That is really all to report for now.  Until tomorrow.

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