Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6

It is late and is difficult to write today.  I have had a pretty bad headache all day.  I keep wondering if I'm doing this right.  I got another website from my sister :

I'm going to print this and follow this one religiously.  It's interesting what new things I'm learning about food and how even with this diet I keep having to adjust and look more closely at the things I eat that I thought were ok!  Almond milk.  It has sugar.  On to the next... but it is really good.
Today I slept in and didn't eat breakfast.  I know! Horrible.  I made up for it at lunch with a Ted's Beef burger with swiss no bun and asparagus (which I didn't eat because it was grilled in bbq sauce) but I ate the tomato.  I had some blueberries for a snack, laid back down cause of my headache, went to bible study- which didn't help the headache... and came home shaky.  Today was not a good eating day.  I ate an egg and sausage (home made) with a little swiss and then checked my email to read that I really can't be eating cheese.  UGH.  Okay.  Tomorrow is a new day.
Update:  The rash that I had is almost gone.  I don't know if I mentioned it before but my genius sister told me to wash it with backing soda.  This rash itched like nobody's business and was severely uncomfortable. After using that and putting Aquafur on it, I did not itch AT ALL.  I had been using an anti fungal, anti itch cream that seemed to irritate that.  So yay!  I am confident it will finish healing when I am done with my cycle.  The 'angry lymph nodes'-  there were four marble sized lumps on my lower abdomen as I had explained before.  I only feel one and it has shrunk significantly and it is not painful to the touch.  AWESOME!  I don't know if the yeast is going away but (you may not want to read further) when I was on my period for the last 6 months, my blood literally itched inside and outside.  It would inflame everything and I would be miserable- NOTHING HELPED.  My blood does not itch.  It's crazy!  I can only take that as a good sign.
So even though I have made a few mistakes with the diet, I believe it has been working.  And it has also given me an appreciation for learning more about what foods are 'healthy'.  I always tried to eat foods that would make me feel full because I really didn't like eating.  I liked eating when I didn't have to make it, but during work, I would rather work hungry than full- I would get tired and try to have a red bull for a boost which would help for like 2 hours max- but then would crash and be starving again.  I don't really feel starving anymore- I feel weak and that's when I know I've gone too long without eating and I eat something.  Eating doesn't make me feel gross or heavy or tired- I don't need or want naps in the afternoon.  I never thought that would be possible- caffeine free, no carbs, no sugar = MORE ENERGY.
I saw my sister today and she looked at my face and told me she could see a difference.  I was really happy to see her today.
Tomorrow I have therapy, I'm going out to lunch with a girl from church which I'm excited about, going to try to get up early for 'coffee' (tea for me) with my ma and friend, and maybe a prayer group in the evening.  I need something like that right now because the bible study I attend, sigh.  It's complicated.
Tomorrow I will print out the pdf and will have it on the fridge and in my purse so I know exactly what to buy.
I also found 'clean food' on facebook and friended it- cool to check out.  It's the recipe book I was talking about.
I'm excited about tomorrow because it will be 1 WEEK!!!! Celebrate with cake??? haha... rice cake that is! laugh...
Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work ! The rash was probably the yeast...the yeast cleanses out thru the skin often ! Woo hoo....out out out , you beast !!!!!
    You are an inspiration ....
    Love you !
