Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 2

This morning was rough.  I went to bed feeling hungry and I woke up hungry with a migraine.  I can't believe how much food has sugar and carbs in it.  I felt like I wanted to scratch somebody's face off and that normally isn't me.
A few things I forgot to mention yesterday.  I have been drinking a ton of water.  This gets hard in the afternoon when I usually have some tea/soda/juice to tide me over until dinner.  Probably why I was so hungry by dinner.  I have also been taking citracel tablets to make sure my body processes 'stuff'.  I usually take two at lunch and at dinner.
9:30 am: I ate a bowl of steal cut oatmeal with blueberries.  I added some cinnamon spice to add a little flavor and it was a bit better than yesterday.  Im realizing that I will have to experiment with spices.  I drank a cup of tea with no sugar and a large glass of water.  I took some advil because I couldn't take it along with my meds, vitamin C and probiotic.  My sister texted me saying something about a migraine.  I thought she had talked to my mom who knew I had one but she had guessed.  This is kind of like when I went off of caffeine.  I did not do much in the morning because of the headache.  I was feeling really depressed and upset that this has been going on for so long.  How long will I have to do this?  This is only the second day- what am I going to do?  My parents came back home from wal-mart and my mom had found noodles that I can eat!
I hate eating left overs but I know that is going to have to change.  So for lunch I had a hamburger patty with a slice of Muenster cheese.  I would have used swiss but we did not have any.  Most of it came off of the burger anyway and was left of the wax paper it was heated up on.  I cut up a half of a cucumber in to long slices.  It took a long time to eat but it was pretty tasty.  My mom had also bought some nuts- brazilian nuts, walnuts and we still have pecans.  I found some old jam jars and put the nuts in it and put them on the other side of the kitchen- to stay away from the sugar pantry.  It was helpful.  The brazilian nuts were pretty good- take a long time to chew and feel a bit like chips.  I haven't tried the walnuts yet.  I also found lemons in the kitchen so I cut them up and used it in my water and it was a pretty big difference.  I was less hungry and had a better attitude.  My headache was dull still so I thought I would try some of the other suggestions my sister had.
I tried the 'sweat bath'.  I got the water in the tub as hot as I could stand it, got in and stayed in there until I sweat out 'toxins' for about 20 minutes.  I notices I was getting pretty light headed so I would rotate sitting and laying down.  I have pretty low blood pressure so this would be something to watch out for- don't want to pass out in the shower!  I also put some baking soda in the bath water.
I was a bit nervous about this.  When I had the huge panic attack, I had just gotten out of the shower.  If you have had a panic attack, you know you tend to avoid the thing you were doing when you had one.  I relaxed and enjoyed it.
After the bath, I saw how much dead skin was in the water and was totally grossed out.  I will be trying a technique called a 'dry brush' soon and I'm sure if I had done that before then it would have been a lot worse.  I SLOWLY stood up as to not have blood rush out of my head and proceeded with my shower.  I do not use antibacterial soap because it can mess with the 'ecosystem'- or so the OB/GYN told me.  I haven't noticed a change but have a ton of dove soap so I'll be using that for a while.  I washed really well, did a rinse on the rash with baking soda, and tried another technique that is supposed to stimulate your nervous system.  This technique is called the contrast shower.  I was not looking forward to this as you shower from hot water to cold water and repeat 3 times.  Some articles said that you stand under them for 30 min and switch to 15, but I don't like spending a ton of time in the shower.  I did 3 rotations for 30 seconds each.  It was interesting.  I'll have to do it again to make a decision of whether I liked it or not.  Really don't like cold showers.  When I was done, I made sure I lotion that had a lot of vitamins.  I will try baby oil next time.  My skin was really craving replenishment afterwards.  I felt pretty relaxed and thought that the whole process would be great after some yoga.
I went to my room (after I put aquafer on the rash) and looked at my bed.  I decided I needed to 'cleanse' everything.  I pulled my bed apart, flipped the mattress and washed all the linens as well as towels and other laundry.
Dinner time I was hungry.  I filled out a few job applications online in the afternoon and felt really weak and tired.  I believe this is just my body adjusting.  I would eat nuts or a few blueberries if I felt nibbley so I knew I wasn't depriving myself.  I rested for a few minutes by the fire and that seemed to help.
For dinner we ate brown rice, steak, and brussels sprouts with cherry tomatoes.   I only had two tomatoes  because I wasn't sure if they were okay to eat.  It takes a lot longer to eat without condiments.  Can't use ketchup or soy sauce or anything like that so you really taste flavors you normally don't taste.
For desert I had some strawberries and blueberries which is my favorite part of the day.  I also took citracel as I am feeling a bit const.
As this day closed, I still feel hungry and slightly deprived.  I still have yeast but as I was thinking in the tub today, this feels like a 'fasting'.  On 3/3/03 a few of my friends fasted for 24 hours and could only have juice.  I am going to try treating it as such and hopefully will grow stronger spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  I already started using some meditation skills I learned in a yoga camp I went to.  I am hoping this keeps my mind focused on the goal and improve my temperament.
I have my first major test tomorrow.  Our church has a meeting after services with my biggest temptation present... papa johns pizza.  I already have lunch prepared to take with me but it will take a lot for me not to just have a piece.  My mom had a cup of coffee today and it about drove me nuts- I think my sense of smell has heightened too,
Our neighbor let us borrow a cookbook called 'Clean Start' (a second one called 'Clean Food') which had a lot of recipes I look forward to trying.  She uses no sugar and no wheat.  All of her sugar comes from maple syrup (she has a brownie recipe with no sugar or flour!)  I am hoping I can make them for my birthday.  I will miss frosting and cake this year.
Thus concludes day two.  


  1. Hey ...
    Don't use baby's made of petroleum, which is a gasolene biproduct...very toxic. Anything with mineral oil as well. Use veggie oil or olive oil.... it's recommended by Sophia Loren ! :)
